What is Prepsteading?

Both Prepping, and homesteading can mean different things to different people. We spent some time asking ourselves “what are we really trying to do?” We found ourselves somewhere in-between both of homesteading and simply being prepared for an uncertain future. At the same time, we follow a path of mindfulness and living in the present moment. We believe that being prepared for the future, no matter what it may bring, is very important to living a long and healthy life and leads to a healthier happier life in the present. At the same time, we think it’s just as important to live for today as well — you know, like Horace’s ‘carpe diam’ and all that sorta jazz… “BE HERE NOW” (Ram Dass) etc…These things would seem to be at odds with eachother, but to us, that is what prepsteading is all about. To ‘seize the day’ today and live your best life, and prepare for the future so that you may be able to ‘seize every day’ by enjoying the process of the preparation and planning for tomorrow, today.

We don’t spend much time dwelling on potential tragedies, and we don’t dwell on potential doom and gloom that’s always possible. Instead, we ENJOY being as self-reliant as we can be. We enjoy working with and eating fresh ingredients, as well has home preserves. We are fascinated by being able to power our life and our adventures with the power of the sun using solar power systems of all kinds. We love to experiment and try new things that are outside of our ‘comfort zones.’

We enjoy new technology, especially when we can apply it to old-world wisdom and bring both into the future. We love to learn from the past so that we can make today the best that it can be. We live for today with the intention of taking the work we do today to make tomorrow even better than today.