Small portable powerstations 100-300wh
200w Portable Solar Panels – Top Picks

Powerness 200w Portable Solar Panel
Fantastic 200w Portable Solar Panel
I have quite a collection of portable solar panels, and this one is my favorite 200w panel out of the bunch. The unique feature of this panel that makes it stand out (besides its great performance) is the monitoring screen built right into the back of the panel. I am a big fan of monitoring and testing and checking on things, and when you are out camping it’s great to be able to see right at the panel how different angles effect the output rather than walking back and forth to your power station. This is very convenient!
100-120w Portable Solar Panels – Top Picks

Good Option in a 120w Portable Solar Panel
Just like it’s big brother, the 120w panel also sports a display to monitor output as well. I like that its 120w instead of 100, because on a good sun day I can get about 100w out of it, which pairs perfectly with some small portable power stations that can only take in 100w, and this will maximize that, whereas a 100w panel peaks out around maybe 80w of true actual output.